I know what it feels like to wake up with an upset stomach! It ruins

The wellbeing habits that will make the biggest difference
Wellbeing does not mean being perfectly healthy because I really don’t think this is attainable on this planet earth! It will be too much pressure on you if you put this goal and will definitely put you steps away from feeling good, which opposes wellbeing.
So, wellbeing is these little things you can do every day, as much as you can, to feel well.
Shortly, they are those you can sustain!
Protein for breakfast
First thing first, breakfast in the morning! Although I am not obsessed about calculating my protein, I definitely do the quick and easy intuitive exercise of scanning my breakfast. If is just plain bread? Does it contain some nuts, little organic dairy, soy milk? Does it contain at least fat and veggies/fruits on the side? So, to those of you who feel they tend to eat a lot in the evening or snack a lot in between, you might need to check your breakfast. You need something that gives you a steady energy, and that is thanks to the fat and protein.
Eat within the first hours (especially women)
Early breakfast ensures you do not throw your hormones levels off course, especially the cortisol which impacts how you respond to stress during your day! As a woman, I can feel the difference between eating within the first 2 hours and later than that, especially on the days I am running late and barely slowing down my breath. So, eat early ladies!
Always always include fruits and veggies in your day
I can’t emphasize enough on this one. People sadly think that veggies are just water and will not boost your health. On the contrary, they are super full of vitamins, minerals, powerful antioxidants like polyphenols and fiber. They are a big contributing factor in the elimination of everything that does not belong by supporting your liver in the detoxication process. Even if your meal does not have a salad, munch before or after on cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes. Also, fruits are sometimes my favorite little snack in the evening when I need something sweet!
A sweaty sunny workout for the inner and outer glow!
I mostly workout indoors but I always feel a difference when I do it outdoors in the sun. So, try to catch some of those sunny hours. Your skin will be sweating and definitely cleansing, I can feel the glow immediately, so fresh and nice! Also, the heat I feel when walking in the sun, makes my digestion so much better, as if I ignited my digestive fire. Try it out!
When you become consistent with these easy wellbeing habits, you will immediately feel a difference, which only motivate you to slowly adopt new ones!